IP Indian Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Research

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IP Indian Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Research (IJODR) open access, peer-reviewed quarterly journal publishing since 2015 and is published under the Khyati Education and Research Foundation (KERF), is registered as a non-profit society (under the society registration act, 1860), Government of India with the vision of various accredited vocational courses in healthcare, education, paramedical, yoga, publication, teaching and research activity, with the aim of faster and better dissemination of knowledge, we will be publishing the more...

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270- 277

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Anupa Rawat*, P Narayana Prasad, Tarun Kumar, Tarun Sharma, Mansi Rawat, Gaurav Rathi, Sumit Joshi

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Ridge split assisted molar protraction

Original Article

Author Details : Anupa Rawat*, P Narayana Prasad, Tarun Kumar, Tarun Sharma, Mansi Rawat, Gaurav Rathi, Sumit Joshi

Volume : 9, Issue : 4, Year : 2023

Article Page : 270-277


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Introduction: Protraction of a second molar into the gap left by a missing first molar is an option, although it is challenging to maintain root parallelism during mesial migration due to the thick and dense cortical bone. This study was carried out to make an attempt to evaluate whether molar protraction in subjects with missing mandibular first molar and knife edge ridges is possible or not using ridge split procedure (expansion).
Materials and Methods: The sample consisted of 12 subjects with missing mandibular first molar and knife edge ridges. All pre-treatment records were taken, after initial leveling and alignment ridge split procedure was performed and molar protraction was carried out using mini implants. Data was collected at a fixed interval of every six weeks. Statistical analysis using Repeated-measures ANOVA and Paired t test were done for evaluation of the rate of molar protraction and mesial molar tipping
Results: 0.12mm per week and 0.9 mm per six weeks was the rate of molar protraction that was accomplished. The mean edentulous space decreased from pre protraction to third visit significantly with a p value of ? 0.001.There is mesial tipping of molar post protraction with a P value of 0.148 which is statistically non-significant. On an average duration for molar protraction was 8.4 months.
Conclusion: Ridge split made molar protraction possible in subjects with missing mandibular molar and knife edge ridges and enhanced the rate of tooth movement. The absolute anterior dental anchorage for the desired orthodontic movement was achieved by utilisation of mini implants.

Keywords: Ridge split, Molar protraction, Knife edge ridge, Mini implant

How to cite : Rawat A, Prasad P N, Kumar T, Sharma T, Rawat M, Rathi G, Joshi S, Ridge split assisted molar protraction. IP Indian J Orthod Dentofacial Res 2023;9(4):270-277

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